Let’s make sure all users are using a strong password.
What’s all this about strong passwords? Well it’s not about people guessing your password, it’s about computers doing it.
Computers are fast, really fast, and guessing millions of passwords is pretty easy for them. The longer the password and the more types of characters in it, the more the computer has to guess. This is called a “Brute Force” attack, meaning the computer just tries everything until it gets it.
WordPress will now tell you how strong your password is. Here’s how:
– Login and go to “Edit my Profile” in the top-right menu.
You want something with 8 or more characters, including numbers and symbols. A pain, I know!
After setting up good passwords, installing Brute Force protection via a plugin of some kind will really help. There are different approaches, and they all slow the computers guessing way down.
WP Support HQ recommends one of the following plugins. Install and activate one, then make sure the brute force protection is on.
– Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall
This is our favorite. It works great, is easy to setup, and includes one of the best Malware removal engines we’ve used.
For even more security iThemes Security Pro is great. It has tons of options and may be overwhelming at first. Budget some time to read the documentation and understand the options as you are setting up the plugin.
Photo by christiaan_008 CC v2