As a business using a WordPress website, you want to get the most from your online efforts. You have invested time and money on the design and promotion of your website so that it gets traffic and converts well. However, if you aren’t using A/B conversion testing, your website is under performing in both the traffic it attracts as well as its conversion of that traffic.
If you are familiar with A/B testing, you may be wondering what testing has to do with increasing your traffic levels. If your web page or blog post titles don’t inspire traffic in the SERPs to click through, you aren’t getting the greatest return on your SEO efforts since that traffic is passing up your web page in favor of one of your competitor’s. Improving your titles with testing takes care of the problem.
Likewise, your web page design elements are under performing if you haven’t optimized them with A/B testing. For those unfamiliar with A/B testing, it means testing variations of different page elements to see which improve your conversions.
The fascinating thing about testing is that even small changes can cause big increases in conversion rates. For example, landing page conversion rates are substantially improved when they have images of people. However, you can’t know this for sure on your website without testing because the behavior of traffic can vary depending on the niche. You may also want to test images of different people to further improve conversions.
Nelio A/B Testing
One of the best and most comprehensive testing services for WordPress sites is Nelio A/B Testing. It doesn’t require coding or any other technical skill and works from within your WordPress dashboard. It can test your headlines, pages, posts, products, menus, widgets, and even themes.
The possible range of tests and experiments is enormous. It also includes heat maps that give you a better idea of which page elements produce the most interaction. If you have an e-commerce site based on WooCommerce, you can test product descriptions, images, and names. If you wish, you can allow the software to automatically select the winning test variation and update your website with it.
If you are worried about the processing power requirements slowing down your server, their plugin merely transfers the processing load from your server to theirs in the cloud. This is a service rather than a standalone product purchase. To learn more about its capabilities, you can test it out with their free trial. For more WordPress news and updates that make a difference in how you blog, contact us at WP Support HQ.